A Place for my Knitting

Monday, August 14, 2006


Had a little problem and had to have my grandmother frogg my scarf for me. I have no idea how I switiched the pattern but I did. Grrrrr!!!! So before frogging I was at 39" now I am at 33 3/4". *SIGH* I guess the lesson is that for now I must pay attention. LOL.

39 1/4 let to go. Thank goodness. I am getting tired of this scarf. Next up Afgahn. LOL

Monday, August 07, 2006

Two New Pattern Books

Hi all,

I just got my two new knitting books from amazon.com today. One was Mason Dixon Knitting (oh boy! I can't wait to make a number of things in here.) And sexy little Knits (ummmm... what yarn do I use for swimware?).

Also, I have 25 1/2" of my scarf done.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Another Few Rows

Hi all,

Today I went with my Grandma & Grandpa to a yarn shop in town to get some yarn for a sweater my Grandma is now working on. Well, that didn't go over too well. The woman who owned the shop was not helpful at all. So from now on I will do all my yarn shoping on line.

Finally, we came up with a comprmise for her yarn. And we went back to her house and she got started. Boy! Oh Boy! Does knitting do fast when you have someone to do it with. She got a few rows done and I am now on to 20 1/2" of my scarf. Let the count down begin. that means I have another 52 1/2" to go.

Will do some more when the DH gets home. Hope to have another pic of the scarf up soon.



Friday, August 04, 2006

My first knitting project

I started a scarf about three weeks ago, but due to the heat and work I only have 11" done. I only need 62" more. Now my only delema is to fringe or not to fringe? LOL
The pattern calles for a CO of 31 and the k1 p1 across and continue the pattern until the scarf mesaures 73". It will be a gift for a coworker so heres to hoping I can get it done soon.
I will post a pick as soon as I get another free moment.