My first knitting project

I started a scarf about three weeks ago, but due to the heat and work I only have 11" done. I only need 62" more. Now my only delema is to fringe or not to fringe? LOL
The pattern calles for a CO of 31 and the k1 p1 across and continue the pattern until the scarf mesaures 73". It will be a gift for a coworker so heres to hoping I can get it done soon.
I will post a pick as soon as I get another free moment.
Great stitches, and I love the texture. Seed stitch is one of my favorites. Easy too, once you get the rhythm down. As for knitting, I probably don't need to say it now, but keep at it! It's better than tranquilizers :^)
Stacie & C,
Thanks so much for the comments. I really love this knitting thing. I am so glade I started. And yes it is way better then tranquilizers. LOL
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